A captcha solver is essential to get better. We use GSA Captcha Breaker to filter targets. When it comes to you, you have the complete freedom to choose any captcha solver from Optical Character Recognitions to Human-based captcha solving services.
For those who are trying to create quality backlinks, they can choose a Human-based captcha solving services such as 2Captcha, EndCaptcha, and Anti-Captcha, etc. They have a higher success ratio. But it will not help you to improve the LpM or the VpM level because it takes time to complete the process.
If your priority is to reach a better efficiency with GSA SER, it’s best to choose an Optical Character Recognition such as GSA Captcha Breaker, CapMonster, DeathByCaptcha, etc. They will solve captchas faster and will help you to improve the LpM and the VpM level.
What you need to know is that our lists are capable of integrating with any captcha solver out there today.