I had a good LpM rate but now it is low.

Getting low LpM can be caused by many reasons. Make sure to clean Cache and history often. Also, consider adding new content, fresh emails, different subnet proxies, and don’t forget to recycle them when they are getting saturated because it is also essential....

How many projects can I run on GSA SER?

Most newbies only add one or two projects per session and expect a higher LpM and a VpM level. But we all know GSA Search Engine Ranker has a way better capability to run many projects at the same time. If you only got one project to run at the moment, you can easily...

What is the best number of threads for my project?

Figuring out the right number of threads will help you to get a higher VpM and a LpM level. You have to consider the performance of the VPS, the number of proxies, and the emails to pick the right number of threads that you can add on GSA SER. If you have a decent...

What is the best VPS for GSA SER?

You may have tried to set up GSA SER on your pc/laptop and get proper results with it. But it’s nearly impossible nowadays. GSA SER requires a high performing VPS to run at it’s best performance. Choosing the right set up will help you to improve you to...